<aside> 💡 Learning Objectives:

- What is the relationship between natural processes and regenerative agriculture
- What are the benefits of diversity




Working with nature and not against nature. This important principle got lost over decades of industrialisation and monoculture cultivation.

Regenerative agriculture aims to recover natural resources and mimic natural processes. These processes are based on a diverse range of plants and animals working together and supporting each other. A healthy and resilient soil with a high biodiversity is the result.

Nutrients, light, air, water and space are basic requirements for a healthy ecosystem, including the terrestrial ecosystems. Each organism has specific needs in order to survive and reproduce. Polyculture benefits the cooperation of different species, where plants and animals help each other with their specific needs.

Humans can engage in this symbiotic relationship, while contributing with sustainable agriculture practices to obtain high yield and a healthy soil.

Sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices includes the choice of crop diversity and the incorporation of animals. These living organisms can exchange nutrients like Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and calcium among each other.

High biodiversity can also reduce the risk of pests and diseases. A well-maintained and supported ecosystem supports the farmer in the production of nutrient-dense food.

Continue learning: Integrate Animals

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